Lets pretend were fine
Everything is alright..
Lets pretend were not broken..
And our hearts for ever will be tight..
Lets talk like we use to do..
Saying -i love you- and chatting with no fights..
Lets be who we used to be..
the ones who used to grab sights..
Lets remember those days..
Lets forever keep them in mind..
Lets be inlove for one last night..
..Just one last night
-sorry for the late post =)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
One last night..
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 19:27 3 comments
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Swalef Tali il-lail 3
-Dedicated to YCM=* she asked for it, she got it =)-
TIME: Around mid. night
DATE: 1 Year Ago.
A 3 Years married couples with a beautiful baby boy i once Heard about, they were very loving and had that spark, no body ever thought something could go wrong.
their marriage of course wasn't perfect, no marriage is! but they were better than any typical kuwaity marriage,Because She simply treated him like a king and he treated her like a princess.when she was asked whats the secret of your marriage?, she answered 'Give him some personal space, let him feel he's always going to be young', an advice I certainly wont forget !.
The story starts around 9:30 p.m when she finished putting on some makeup, curling her hair And wearing something nice,Little did she knew that her husband was planning on something else, he entered the room to take his wallet, just when he laid his eyes on her he gave her the -OMG- look saying:
"ay ya galbi, Shino hatha?!, Shway Shway 3alay Om 7amod!, bas 7abebti ana raye7 eldewaneya shenw ma getlech ?"
"La2! you didnt !"
"wallah sorry nesait ! bas tharoory arou7, elyum mbarat Qawiya !"
And you can guess that they had a huge fight over going to the diwaneya and leaving her alone,she was really upset because she wanted to have a beautiful night with him after her son finally slept, and he was upset because he wanted to see the game.
"YUBA ANA 6ALE3 ZAIN !" Her husband shouted
He grabbed his wallet and keys and drove off to the diwaneya, leaving her sitting on the edge of the bed, crying because of him, because he left her for the first time Heart broken..
When she finally took a grip of her self she thought of going to the super market, to buy him some of his favorite chocolate like a -sorry for the fight- gift, While she was doing that..
a stranger calls her husband and the next thing we know is
And ofcourse he was speading, he went through all red lights, Except the last one, When a huge truck crashed him and literally Scrunched his Car.
What happened to him?
he passed away because of severe bleeding in the brain..
And what ever happened to her?
Well, she lived to tell us the story.
-Tell me if you want another type of 'Swalef'
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 02:00 5 comments
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

-Whats your 'enjoying life' moments?=p
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 13:04 3 comments
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Me Vs. The Gangster
So Yesterday, First Day of 3eed my cousins and i decided to go to the avenues and watch a movie, Lets not forget that i chose the movie, and it sucked (: BIG TIME, Anyways while we were watching the movie, a group of Boys decided to be 'Cool'?, and were STUPIDLY commenting on everysingle Spark happening between a male and female, not to mention before the movie starts, that group of boys were 'sharbking' and singing with the commercials, So should i just sit there and listen to them ruining the movie?, Ofcourse not !
my cousin and i went to the security dude, And he told us that 'its 3eed! i cant do anything, but ill try', when i got back did they care? nup, they carried on making loud stupid comments, and you cant stop hearing " AGOOOL NAWAF.." " HALLAA BO S3AYED ?"
Ofcourse i had enough, & went to the security again.
And he kicked them out.
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 11:38 6 comments
Friday, 10 September 2010
..عيدكم مبارك
و جعلكم الله من عتقاء النار
و لو ان فترتي بالبلوق قصيره لكن!, فرحتكم في العيد, يمعه الأهل, بركم لوالديكم, و خاصة شكر الله على نعمة وجودهم..
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 15:44 4 comments
Thursday, 9 September 2010
لا يمكن
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 11:51 5 comments
Friday, 3 September 2010
This is gonna be cool, i want from all of my Lovely readers to confess in the comment box about ANYTHING, and i mean it anything pops in your head just say it ! even if its about my writing? or blog ! SAAAAAAY IT.
here goes mine:
i suck at spelling so bad i miss spell the word spill ?or was it spell? damn!
-Blogspot.com, Thanks for the spell check you SAVED ME=*
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 15:11 11 comments
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Swalef Tali iL-Lail 2
-Just to make things clear, 'swalef tali il-lail' will be posted once a week, it will be telling stories about people that i dont think i'll forget-
Time: 10:00 AM
Date: 16/7/2010
It was The day that She,her aunt and cousins will travel to lebanon, the night before she was packing her bags, making a list of important things she must take:
2)Jeanz,Zara Tops
while checking her list,for some reason she felt something is going to be wrong, 'Staghferlah, eshfene ana kho basafer mafrooth im happy?' the girl said. After packing her bags she took a look of her father's picture, her father was already in America at that time he was there since Mid. june, and what made her really upset is when she travels tomorrow, her dad will come back at the same time so she wont be able to see him, lets not forget to mention she's her daddy's lil girl, But hey she thought! she'll see him when he comes back. and THAT was the thought she slept on.
At 10:00 Am She heard door knocking 'Flana, Gomay!!', she woke up Quickly looked at her clock and thought it was 10 p.m! 'OFF 6AFTNI EL6YARAAAA!'
the minute she opened the door, she saw her sister and 2 cousins, wearing 3bayas, all faces were pale, her sister was shivering, her cousin was looking straightly at her eyes, she didnt know what to think? what was going on? she thought her sick aunt passed away, But the next thing she heard was her sister's voice saying:
"obona Twafa."
And you can guess what happened to her..
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 22:51 5 comments
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Hang in there.
if anyone out there reading this and might be facing the problem of family insisting them to eat EVERYTHING BEL FE6OR W BA3D EL FE6OR...
-Whats ur 'Must' dish bel fe6or?
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 03:28 7 comments
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Men Kalam iL-Mar7om...
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 15:59 7 comments
Saturday, 28 August 2010
i sBeak english..Or not?
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-Ta7iyaty lelsha3b iL-Ma9ry, i Love you=)
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 04:24 9 comments
Thursday, 26 August 2010
a women walked in, she looked nice;a 40yiish old business women.. but when alllll the employees ignored the stupid line and gave her a warm welcome im starting to hate the 40yish old women:
all the Employees suddenly freaked out:" afaaaaaaaaaaa ya om khaled, entay takhthen raqam ?? la la may9er !!!!! laaaaaa2 INTAAAYY ETYEN 3ENDENA 3ALA 6OOL."
whaaaaaaaaaat? Eaaasy there tiger?! what the hell are you talking about?
employe3: la la ana 3endy asra3 el computer
employe4: la la wallah 3endy! elmokayef 9ayiir 3ala makteby :)
mas2ool elfer3 eb kobra!!!!: yuba shrayech nroo7 napket neshrblna gahwa 3ala ma ysawon shughlech ohma?
Excuse me om khalid, but do you realize i was standing on my feet for the last freakin 15 minutes? and YOU CAME OUT OF NO WHERE AND SUDDENLY EVERYONE WANTS TO DO UR PAPERS?..
im ashamed to be honest, one has to be a buz buz ? or a VIP just to survive the stupid line?, and haha you think i waited more? ur wrong,
....and walked away. NOT HAPPY that i wasted a lovely 15 minutes of my life at the avenues. :(
-Buz buz, ta3ber majazy for " business women/man"
-About the mas2ool elfer3, i was kinda just kidding =p
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 12:46 7 comments
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Swalef Tali iL-Lail 1
Time: 2:30 A.M
Date: 7/11/2009
She was writing in her diaries, waiting for him to come back from the dewaniya, from what i can remember i believe she wrote;
" حبيبي احبه, كل شي بالدنيا اهوا, قلت حق امي و خواتي عنه لاني ادري اهوا يبيني و مابي اسوي شي من وراهم, اذكر اول ما عرفته قالي ان انتي اميرتي, و مابي افرط فيج حبي بيكون كله لج!و ماصدق ان 3 سنين مروا بهل سرعه؟ اعاد امس قالي لمن يرد من الدوانيه بيقولي شي؟ و امس رايح ويه امه و اخته السوق ياااربي شالسااالفه؟ اهوا ما يطلع وايد وياهم ؟؟.. "
After 3 hours from that minute she was starting to panic, why is he late? where is he ? whats going on? all that question need to be answer ! she was hoping for the best until a stranger called and told her:
انا اسف اختي داق هل حزه بس ما قدرت انطر ليه باجر, شفتج تدزين مسجات على رقم عبدالله و ادري انج تحاتينه"
" ايي احااتيه ! وينه ؟ شفيه ؟؟؟ و ليش انته الي دااق و منو انته ؟؟"
" انا اخوه العود, عبدالله توفى بحادث سياره
And thats when nothing's left but memories.
-A True story, Not Necessary my story (:
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 13:16 8 comments
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
اليك اكتب و الكلمات ما هي الا دموع متشكله من عيني..~
اليك اسرد مشاعري و اقصها مثلما كنت تسرد لي قصة لطيفه والذيب..
..اليك احكي و يا ليت لو تسمعني
اشتاق اليك و شوقي لك..
هو أملي الوحيد في البقاء, ذكراك هي أنفاسي
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 22:21 6 comments
A Fresh Start..
Just another blogger With thoughts,Poems And funny stories to share..Except that im here because of my father's support and inspiration, (Rest in peace yuba); And be Sure Everything i write here comes right from the heart and Soul..Sometimes you might notice arabic posts (thats the tefelsef part of me=))
So Mbarak 3alaikom iL-Shahar, w 3asakom Men el3ayden will be a good Start =D
Posted by Shelsalfa? at 20:56 10 comments