Sunday, 12 September 2010

Me Vs. The Gangster

So Yesterday, First Day of 3eed my cousins and i decided to go to the avenues and watch a movie, Lets not forget that i chose the movie, and it sucked (: BIG TIME, Anyways while we were watching the movie, a group of Boys decided to be 'Cool'?, and were STUPIDLY commenting on everysingle Spark happening between a male and female, not to mention before the movie starts, that group of boys were 'sharbking' and singing with the commercials, So should i just sit there and listen to them ruining the movie?, Ofcourse not !

my cousin and i went to the security dude, And he told us that 'its 3eed! i cant do anything, but ill try', when i got back did they care? nup, they carried on making loud stupid comments, and you cant stop hearing " AGOOOL NAWAF.." " HALLAA BO S3AYED ?"

Ofcourse i had enough, & went to the security again.

And he kicked them out.




Vainglorious said...

zaaain sawaitay! Fi naaas ma teste7i wala ta7shim mo kafo 6al3at o cinema

XsuiL said...

So u got them kicked out from a horrible movie ?;p
mo chna u saved their time? while u stayed and suffered during the movie ?;p LOL
kinda nehahahaha on u LOL

Shelsalfa? said...

Vainglorious: EXACTLY. Fahmtni wallah =p

Xsuil: Hahaha, No the ending was the best part after all (:

Ambrosial said...

That is so annoying! 3afya 3laich when u called the security, u know people bl 3eed act like douchebags, shame on them madri umta by3gloun!

youcompleteme said...

ya thegalat 6eenat'houm! ;S

I want suwalif tali ellail shoosh ;'(

Shelsalfa? said...

Ambrosial: Shdrani 3anhom, mo chayfen khair ana agol =p

YCM: i want 49 ! then ill post swalef tale el-laaaaail :P